As per SEBI regulations, the minimum acceptable investment in a PMS strategy is Rs 50,00,000/-.
Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions:
Only mature investors who meet the minimum ticket size requirement of Rs 50,00,000/- and who are willing to stay invested for at least 5 years.
An investor can invest in our PMS scheme by way of cheque or bank transfer. Though shares can also be transferred to the PMS, it’s a relatively cumbersome process.
Counter Cyclical PMS is a purely discretionary PMS, wherein all investment decisions are taken solely by our fund management team & the investor has no say in which stocks or sectors we should buy, hold or sell.
Apart from the inherent market risk, there is an additional liquidity risk in Counter Cyclical PMS, since we are predominantly in the small cap space where liquidity is thin.
During market crashes, most buyers get out of the market & only compulsive sellers remain. During such crashes (like March 2020) if an investor wants to withdraw his funds from our PMS, we might end up sitting at the lower circuit everyday & our own selling might further pull down our portfolio.
Hence, only long term, experienced & mature investors should invest in our PMS.
Our PMS is ideal for long term endeavors like retirement savings, children’s education & marriage etc.
Please don’t invest your rainy day funds in our PMS.
Please don’t invest in our PMS if you can’t digest volatility or lack the fortitude to ride through periodic market crashes.
Yes, post your initial investment, we accept additional top-up with no minimum acceptance amount. But any amounts invested should be for a minimum duration of 5 years.
Since it is impossible to time the markets, it is best to put small amounts in your PMS account, whenever markets fall sharply.
Yes, NRIs can invest in our PMS strategy but only through a NRO account. We don’t accept NRE accounts since the order placement process for NRE accounts is very cumbersome.
Gains within the fund in an investor’s demat account will be taxed the same way as that of an investor directly buying or selling stocks. Short term capital gains (<1 year) on equity are taxed at 15% plus surcharges and long term capital gains are at 10% plus surcharges.
Yes, post account opening, every investor in our PMS will receive his User ID & password with which he can login to Orbis website anytime & see his complete portfolio with full details of his holdings, purchase price, CMP, realized & unrealised gain/loss, etc.
Every investor will also receive a monthly report on his registered email, with full details of his holdings, purchase price, CMP, realized & unrealised gain/loss, etc.
We have minimal investor communication. We are not in education business & we don’t write any newsletters.
We don’t know where the market is going or how much more it will fall or when it will stop falling etc. We appreciate investors who don’t call us frequently.
We have no provision for any relationship manager.
Whatever we need to tell the investor, we brief them before account opening. Thereafter, we let our returns speak. We have nothing more to tell our investors. Since we don’t charge any upfront management fee, we need to keep our overheads to the minimum. Please don’t call us unnecessarily.
Please don’t invest in Counter Cyclical PMS if you expect regular interaction.
Usually PMS’ charge a fixed management fee of ~ 2% on the total AUM & a performance fee based on the returns generated for the investor or a combination of both. However, we do not charge any upfront fixed management fee, but only a performance fee.
No, our PMS does not have any fixed / hidden charges other than a performance fee.
In case the portfolio generates returns in excess of 10% p.a., a 20% performance fee will be charged only on the excess returns. No fee will be charged on returns up to 10% p.a.
(for more details, please refer to the ‘Performance Fee’ section –
Performance fee if accrued, will be charged only once at the end of financial year.
This is investors money and can be withdrawn as and when required. Upon a withdrawal request, money should be credited to the investors account within 10 working days.
But please don’t invest short term funds in PMS.
You can withdraw any amount such that post withdrawal, the portfolio NAV does not fall below Rs.50 lakhs or else the full portfolio would need to be redeemed.
We do not charge any exit load upon withdrawal.
You can send a mail on mentioning the amount required to be withdrawn.
Brokerage & Custodian charges:
Orbis Financial Services is our custodian & they charge 0.04% of the NAV p.a.
Kotak, Motilal & Sharekhan are our brokers and they charge 0.1% brokerage on all delivery trades.
Account opening & onboarding:
1. Passport size colour photos (qty-1)
2. One canceled cheque of bank account to be linked(original)
3. Colour PAN copy (self-attested)
4. Colour Aadhar copy (self-attested)
5. Colour Passport copy (self-attested)
6. Occupation
7. Colour Nominee Pan card copy (self-attested by nominee)
8. Colour Nominee Aadhar card copy (self-attested by nominee)
9. Mobile number and Email ID of the applicant and the nominee
10. Nominee Passport size colour photo (qty 1)
1. Passport size colour photos (qty-1)
2. One cancelled cheque of the NRO bank account to be linked(original)
3. Colour PAN copy (self-attested)
4. Colour Aadhar copy (self-attested) if available
5. Colour Passport copy (self-Attested)
6. Visa (self-Attested)
7. Overseas Address proof (Electricity Bill) self-attested
8. Indian Immigration Page within 6 months (self-Attached)
9. Occupation and Annual Income
10. Colour Nominee Pan card copy (self-attested by nominee)
11. Colour Nominee Aadhar card copy (self-attested by nominee) if available
12. Mobile number and mail id Applicant and the nominee
13. Nominee Passport size colour photo (qty 1)
1. Company/LLP/Trust Pan Card
2. Cancelled Cheque copy
3. Address Proof ( Bank statement/ Rent Agreement/ GST Registration)
4. Last 2 years financials
5. Networth certificate
6. MCA Certificate/ LLP Deed/Trust Deed
7. MOA & AOA
8. Company/ LLP/ Trust Registration Certificate
9. All Directors/ Partners/ trustees KYC Documents
10. Shareholding Patten
11. Company Contact Details (E mail ID & Mobile No )
12. Authorized person KYC & Contact details
All documents signed by Authorized Person